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Consider the Gospel
Your site to understand, assess and interact with 'The Good News'
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Consider the Gospel
Your site to understand, assess and interact with 'The Good News'
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About Me: The Wisdom I learned from a hard-drinking, filthy-rich playboy
Consider the Gospel
The Passing of Christopher Hitchens: Carrying misconception to the Grave
Christopher Hitchens and the efficacy of Pascal’s Wager
Christopher Hitchens & North Korea’s Kim Jong-il: Is it really religion that poisons everything?
Hold the Eggnog Christmas is in trouble: Considering Dawkins’ claims against the Gospel story
Archaeological Discovery of Ancient Temple Announced
Your Common-Sense, Practical Test for the Reliability of the Bible
Religious Evidence: From Flying Spaghetti Monsters to Mormons and Miracles
Addressing objections to the Signs of Abraham & Moses
Did Constantine corrupt the Gospel or Bible?
The Ubiquity of the Design Inference
Antony Flew Considered Intelligent Design
Origins: Evolution or Design – why touch it?
From Soapberry Bugs to SuperBugs: Nature’s slippery slide down.
An Oscar Nominee hints at Objective Truth
Glimpsing the Moral Tao … But not able to Grasp it
Richard Dawkins and the Moral Tao – Part 1
Richard Dawkins and our Moral Tao – Part 2
Considering the Septuagint: Today’s forgotten book that changed human history (Part 1)
The Septuagint Part 2
Easter Examined: Could Jesus have risen from the dead?
Easter Examined (Part 2)
What about Human Evolution?
BBC Reports Startling Genetic Tests – Neanderthal in Your Bloodline
Considering the Resurrection: From the Eyes of its Denier – Bishop Spong
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 2
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 3
Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 4
Computer super-virus shows anomaly of evolutionary thinking
The Faith of a World’s leading Evolutionary Anthropologist
ConsidertheGospel System upgrade shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution (Part 1)
System upgrades shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution
The Irony and Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
In the Image of God
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Corrupted (Part 2) … missing our target
Did Jesus have a wife?
Pinocchio: Demystifying the Gospel End-Goal
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Does God Exist? Does He bless?
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
The Subsequent Life Lived: Signature of the Virgin Birth
What If God were … One of Us?
The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival: Showing Bad News of Sin & Good News of the Gospel
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
That Promise to Abraham … Overlooked but Everlasting
The Belief of Abraham – the Model Calling for us to Follow
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
The Eeriness of Moses’ Farewell Speech echoing in Global Headlines today
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the Ancient Chinese
The Sign of the Branch (Part 1): The Dead Stump Reborn
Was there an Adam? Part 2 … Ancient Chinese & modern-day Google
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
The Heart that Changed History – Did it Beat Again?
Ancient Rg Veda Account … but Parallel Promise
Does Evolution make sense in light of biology?
Was there a Noah? Testimony from ancient Hindus & modern calendars … (Part 1)
Was there a Noah? (Part 2) – Testimony of ‘weeks’ in Calendars
University survey affirms we are ‘Bound to Believe’
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
An evening at the University of Wyoming – on the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus
How does a Prostitute reveal the Good News of the Gospel?
Christmas is Coming! But not in the way you are thinking…
How it was foretold that the “Christ” is coming … and why
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 1)
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 2)
Potent Simplicity: What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
MH17 fallout & Gaza conflict today! A maverick seer’s rumblings of long ago?
Halloween II: The zombie coming to life before our ears as well as our eyes
Prudence in the rising wake of an ancient Apocalyptic Speech
A Funny Gaffe – fit for a Good Friday
Did Moses write the Torah?
The Feast of Tabernacles: layered like an onion … with meaning
The Precision and Power of Pentecost
The Bible being unearthed from the Sands of Time
How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
A Teen explores Textual Criticism and Reliability of Bible
A Teen explores the Resurrection
A Teen Examines Easter Bible Prophecies
A Teen Examines The End – Right from the Beginning
A Teen explores Evolution & Natural Selection
A Teen explores the Flood
A Teen looks at the Gospel…
A Teen explores the Canon
Why consider the gospel
My first Post: Why this site?
Christopher Hitchens and the efficacy of Pascal’s Wager
The Subsequent Life Lived: Signature of the Virgin Birth
Best, Sudden Death ‘n the World Cup
Jesus or Santa: Who gives the Better Christmas Story?
Journey Through the Gospel
In the Image of God
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Corrupted (Part 2) … missing our target
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
That Promise to Abraham … Overlooked but Everlasting
The Belief of Abraham – the Model Calling for us to Follow
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
The Eeriness of Moses’ Farewell Speech echoing in Global Headlines today
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
The Sign of the Branch (Part 1): The Dead Stump Reborn
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
A Funny Gaffe – fit for a Good Friday
Landmarks in the Biblical Story
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Corrupted (Part 2) … missing our target
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Why would a Good God allow Suffering and Death?
Why would God allow suffering and death? Part 2
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
That Promise to Abraham … Overlooked but Everlasting
The Belief of Abraham – the Model Calling for us to Follow
Was there a Noah? (Part 2) – Testimony of ‘weeks’ in Calendars
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
Christmas is Coming! But not in the way you are thinking…
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
What are the Ten Commandments? Why were they given?
Basis for God – Considering Design
1. The Case for God – Considering Design
The Ubiquity of the Design Inference
Antony Flew Considered Intelligent Design
Origins: Evolution or Design – why touch it?
From Soapberry Bugs to SuperBugs: Nature’s slippery slide down.
What about Human Evolution?
BBC Reports Startling Genetic Tests – Neanderthal in Your Bloodline
Computer super-virus shows anomaly of evolutionary thinking
The Faith of a World’s leading Evolutionary Anthropologist
ConsidertheGospel System upgrade shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution (Part 1)
System upgrades shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution
In the Image of God
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Does Evolution make sense in light of biology?
University survey affirms we are ‘Bound to Believe’
Conjugation: Not a Gain of New Information
A Teen explores Evolution & Natural Selection
A Teen explores the Flood
Glimpsing the Nature of God – Considering Human Ethics
2. Considering Truth: Glimpsing the Moral Law … and God behind it
Christopher Hitchens & North Korea’s Kim Jong-il: Is it really religion that poisons everything?
Origins: Evolution or Design – why touch it?
An Oscar Nominee hints at Objective Truth
Glimpsing the Moral Tao … But not able to Grasp it
Richard Dawkins and the Moral Tao – Part 1
Richard Dawkins and our Moral Tao – Part 2
In the Image of God
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Corrupted (Part 2) … missing our target
The Subsequent Life Lived: Signature of the Virgin Birth
The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival: Showing Bad News of Sin & Good News of the Gospel
University survey affirms we are ‘Bound to Believe’
Assessing ‘The Book’ – Considering the Textual Reliability of the Bible
3. Assessing ‘The Book’ – Considering the Textual Reliability of the Bible
The Passing of Christopher Hitchens: Carrying misconception to the Grave
Your Common-Sense, Practical Test for the Reliability of the Bible
Did Constantine corrupt the Gospel or Bible?
Considering the Septuagint: Today’s forgotten book that changed human history (Part 1)
Did Jesus have a wife?
Has the text of the Bible been changed?
A Teen explores Textual Criticism and Reliability of Bible
Considering the Historical Reliability of the Bible
The Passing of Christopher Hitchens: Carrying misconception to the Grave
4. Examining External Evidence – Considering the Historical Reliability of the Bible
Hold the Eggnog Christmas is in trouble: Considering Dawkins’ claims against the Gospel story
Archaeological Discovery of Ancient Temple Announced
Religious Evidence: From Flying Spaghetti Monsters to Mormons and Miracles
Addressing objections to the Signs of Abraham & Moses
Did Jesus have a wife?
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the Ancient Chinese
Was there an Adam? Part 2 … Ancient Chinese & modern-day Google
Ancient Rg Veda Account … but Parallel Promise
Was there a Noah? Testimony from ancient Hindus & modern calendars … (Part 1)
Was there a Noah? (Part 2) – Testimony of ‘weeks’ in Calendars
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Did Moses write the Torah?
The Bible being unearthed from the Sands of Time
A Teen explores the Flood
A Teen explores the Canon
Considering Inspiration – How Allusions in the Bible point to a Divine Author
The Passing of Christopher Hitchens: Carrying misconception to the Grave
5. Considering Inspiration – How Allusions in the Bible point to a Divine Author
Archaeological Discovery of Ancient Temple Announced
Addressing objections to the Signs of Abraham & Moses
Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
The Irony and Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Does God Exist? Does He bless?
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What If God were … One of Us?
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
The Sign of the Branch (Part 1): The Dead Stump Reborn
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
Christmas is Coming! But not in the way you are thinking…
How it was foretold that the “Christ” is coming … and why
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 1)
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 2)
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
Halloween II: The zombie coming to life before our ears as well as our eyes
A Funny Gaffe – fit for a Good Friday
The Feast of Tabernacles: layered like an onion … with meaning
The Precision and Power of Pentecost
A Teen Examines Easter Bible Prophecies
Back to the Future: Considering the ‘Prequeled Sequel’ make-up of the Gospel
6. Back to the Future: Considering the ‘Prequeled Sequel’ make-up of the Gospel.
Considering the Septuagint: Today’s forgotten book that changed human history (Part 1)
The Septuagint Part 2
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
The Subsequent Life Lived: Signature of the Virgin Birth
What If God were … One of Us?
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
The Eeriness of Moses’ Farewell Speech echoing in Global Headlines today
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
The Sign of the Branch (Part 1): The Dead Stump Reborn
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
Christmas is Coming! But not in the way you are thinking…
How it was foretold that the “Christ” is coming … and why
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
MH17 fallout & Gaza conflict today! A maverick seer’s rumblings of long ago?
A Funny Gaffe – fit for a Good Friday
The Feast of Tabernacles: layered like an onion … with meaning
News Pregnant with Hope: Considering the Death & Resurrection of Jesus
7. News Pregnant with Hope: Considering the Death & Resurrection of Jesus
Easter Examined: Could Jesus have risen from the dead?
Easter Examined (Part 2)
Considering the Resurrection: From the Eyes of its Denier – Bishop Spong
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 2
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 3
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 4
The Heart that Changed History – Did it Beat Again?
An evening at the University of Wyoming – on the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
A Teen explores the Resurrection
Hope Birthed – The Return of the King
8. Hope Birthed: The Return of the King
The Irony and Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 1)
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 2)
MH17 fallout & Gaza conflict today! A maverick seer’s rumblings of long ago?
Halloween II: The zombie coming to life before our ears as well as our eyes
Prudence in the rising wake of an ancient Apocalyptic Speech
The Feast of Tabernacles: layered like an onion … with meaning
A Teen Examines The End – Right from the Beginning
Receiving the Gospel – considering what that means
Christopher Hitchens and the efficacy of Pascal’s Wager
In the Image of God
Pinocchio: Demystifying the Gospel End-Goal
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival: Showing Bad News of Sin & Good News of the Gospel
That Promise to Abraham … Overlooked but Everlasting
The Belief of Abraham – the Model Calling for us to Follow
How does a Prostitute reveal the Good News of the Gospel?
9. Understanding & Receiving the Gospel
Potent Simplicity: What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice?
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
A Teen looks at the Gospel…
Reliability of the Bible
A Teen explores Textual Criticism and Reliability of Bible
Culture & History
Laying claim to St. Patrick – luck of the Irish or ‘The Voice’?
Prudence in the rising wake of an ancient Apocalyptic Speech
Did Constantine corrupt the Gospel or Bible?
Easter Examined: Could Jesus have risen from the dead?
What about Human Evolution?
BBC Reports Startling Genetic Tests – Neanderthal in Your Bloodline
Why did God create a Devil?
Did Jesus have a wife?
Why would a Good God allow Suffering and Death?
The Bible: Inspired by God or thought up by men?
Evolution: Fact or Fable?
Does God Exist? Does He bless?
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
What If God were … One of Us?
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the Ancient Chinese
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
Does Evolution make sense in light of biology?
Was there a Noah? Testimony from ancient Hindus & modern calendars … (Part 1)
How does a Prostitute reveal the Good News of the Gospel?
What was the History of the Jews?
Potent Simplicity: What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice?
‘Son of God’ Controversy: Was Jesus developed from Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus myth?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
The Ebola Example: Could a loving God really send people to Hell?
Has the text of the Bible been changed?
Did Moses write the Torah?
Jesus or Santa: Who gives the Better Christmas Story?
What are the Ten Commandments? Why were they given?
How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
FAQ: What about Human Evolution?
BBC Reports Startling Genetic Tests – Neanderthal in Your Bloodline
for export
My first Post: Why this site?
My first Post: Why this site?
The Passing of Christopher Hitchens: Carrying misconception to the Grave
Christopher Hitchens and the efficacy of Pascal’s Wager
Christopher Hitchens & North Korea’s Kim Jong-il: Is it really religion that poisons everything?
Hold the Eggnog Christmas is in trouble: Considering Dawkins’ claims against the Gospel story
Archaeological Discovery of Ancient Temple Announced
Your Common-Sense, Practical Test for the Reliability of the Bible
Religious Evidence: From Flying Spaghetti Monsters to Mormons and Miracles
Addressing objections to the Signs of Abraham & Moses
Did Constantine corrupt the Gospel or Bible?
The Ubiquity of the Design Inference
Antony Flew Considered Intelligent Design
Origins: Evolution or Design – why touch it?
From Soapberry Bugs to SuperBugs: Nature’s slippery slide down.
An Oscar Nominee hints at Objective Truth
Glimpsing the Moral Tao … But not able to Grasp it
Richard Dawkins and the Moral Tao – Part 1
Richard Dawkins and our Moral Tao – Part 2
Considering the Septuagint: Today’s forgotten book that changed human history (Part 1)
The Septuagint Part 2
Easter Examined: Could Jesus have risen from the dead?
Easter Examined (Part 2)
What about Human Evolution?
Considering the Resurrection: From the Eyes of its Denier – Bishop Spong
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 2
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 3
Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
Considering the Resurrection: From the eyes of Bishop Spong – Part 4
Computer super-virus shows anomaly of evolutionary thinking
The Faith of a World’s leading Evolutionary Anthropologist
ConsidertheGospel System upgrade shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution (Part 1)
System upgrades shows hopelessness of Darwinian evolution
The Irony and Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
In the Image of God
…But Corrupted (Part 1 – like orcs of Middle-earth)
Corrupted (Part 2) … missing our target
Why did God create a Devil?
Did Jesus have a wife?
Pinocchio: Demystifying the Gospel End-Goal
The Final Countdown – Embedded in the Beginning
Why would a Good God allow Suffering and Death?
Why would God allow suffering and death? Part 2
Does God Exist? Does He bless?
Jewish Testimony: Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
What’s so Merry about Christmas?
The Subsequent Life Lived: Signature of the Virgin Birth
What If God were … One of Us?
2012 in review … anticipating 2013
The Hindu Kumbh Mela Festival: Showing Bad News of Sin & Good News of the Gospel
Promise to an Ancient Man: Revealed in elections of a modern nation
That Promise to Abraham … Overlooked but Everlasting
The Belief of Abraham – the Model Calling for us to Follow
What was the Sign of Abraham’s Sacrifice?
What was the Passover Sign of Moses?
The Eeriness of Moses’ Farewell Speech echoing in Global Headlines today
Where does the ‘Christ’ in Jesus Christ come from?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the Ancient Chinese
The Sign of the Branch (Part 1): The Dead Stump Reborn
Was there an Adam? Part 2 … Ancient Chinese & modern-day Google
How was Jesus’ name prophesied long before his birth?
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
The Heart that Changed History – Did it Beat Again?
Ancient Rg Veda Account … but Parallel Promise
Does Evolution make sense in light of biology?
Was there a Noah? Testimony from ancient Hindus & modern calendars … (Part 1)
Was there a Noah? (Part 2) – Testimony of ‘weeks’ in Calendars
University survey affirms we are ‘Bound to Believe’
Bones, Skeletons & Zombies come alive: Prophetic Halloween before our eyes
An evening at the University of Wyoming – on the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus
How does a Prostitute reveal the Good News of the Gospel?
Christmas is Coming! But not in the way you are thinking…
How it was foretold that the “Christ” is coming … and why
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 1)
The Prophet, The Skeptic, & the Fulfilled Event (Pt. 2)
Potent Simplicity: What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice?
‘Son of God’ Controversy: Was Jesus developed from Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus myth?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Palm Sunday: Passover Plot or Providence Program?
Best, Sudden Death ‘n the World Cup
MH17 fallout & Gaza conflict today! A maverick seer’s rumblings of long ago?
The Ebola Example: Could a loving God really send people to Hell?
Audio Visual Resources