How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
If you were to name some classic love stories you might suggest Helen of Troy & Paris (igniting the Trojan War dramatized in the Iliad),… Read More »How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
If you were to name some classic love stories you might suggest Helen of Troy & Paris (igniting the Trojan War dramatized in the Iliad),… Read More »How is Ruth & Boaz a unique love story?
Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, which describe the birth of the Israelite nation thousands of years ago. Moses’ mission was to… Read More »What are the Ten Commandments? Why were they given?
Christmas has traditionally been about celebrating the birth of Jesus. The Gospel accounts of a virgin birth, angels appearing to shepherds, and wise men traveling… Read More »Jesus or Santa: Who gives the Better Christmas Story?