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This is a site about The Good News – a message that has impacted your life.  At the height of the Roman Empire the world was turned on its head by this Good News.  This News so changed the world of that day that our lives today, whether we know it or not, have been radically affected by this News.  It led to the creation of books (rather than scrolls), words separated by spaces, punctuation, upper and lower case lettering, universities, hospitals and even orphanages were first founded by people as they understood how the Good News should affect society.

But even more fundamental, the advent of this News profoundly changed the way people viewed themselves, others, life, death and God.  The Good News was known as The Gospel, and it has obtained the allegiance of the hearts and minds of many since that era.

Today though, the word Gospel does not usually convey good news to our minds.  Many of us associate it with outdated superstitions or obsolete institutions, yet more of us associate it with very little.  It is not that we are antagonistic to it, but it is rather that we do not make much sense in it.  We wonder, in our educated day, whether The Gospel is credible.  Other times we wonder if it has shackled human progress.  And with our busy lives we have not had the time or place to properly consider what this News is all about.

That is why I put this site and blog together – to give us the opportunity to understand and assess the Gospel and the rationale for it.  If this is your first time here, you may want to go to About menus where I explain abit of my story with the Gospel and give an explanation of how to navigate this site.  I hope you will browse around, take time to assess, and participate in considering the Gospel.