Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
Pentecost always comes on a Sunday. Unlike Christmas and Easter this day passes with such little fanfare that there is a good chance you will… Read More »Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
Pentecost always comes on a Sunday. Unlike Christmas and Easter this day passes with such little fanfare that there is a good chance you will… Read More »Pentecost – Why did it occur when it did?
A few days after the passing of Christopher Hitchens, North Korea’s ‘Dear Leader’ Kim Jong-il also died. Given that one of the obsessions of the North… Read More »Christopher Hitchens & North Korea’s Kim Jong-il: Is it really religion that poisons everything?
Well, this is my first post. So I thought it would be appropriate to describe why I put this site together. In About Me I explained why and how the Gospel had become relevant to me. And so I began in a serious way to investigate it. Read More »My first Post: Why this site?